Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bonding With the Tutor

Bonding With the TutorBonding with the tutor: how to stick together in chemistry teaching notes is a question many students often ask. While it's not as tough as other subjects, teachers still have to deal with students who aren't at their best in class, or who don't seem to want to work with the tutor and a certain chemistry set. Teaching notes are supposed to be helpful does not have to mean love. But sometimes it does, even if you aren't consciously aware of it.Sometimes people bond with a teacher so strongly that they want to please them and do their best to impress them. Sometimes people bond with a tutor and simply want to feel good about themselves, even if their performance is not as good as it could be. Bonding with a teacher and a tutor can sometimes go hand in hand, and may even be considered one of the greatest motivations to give well in class.One way to bond with the tutor is to build rapport and trust with him or her. This is not easy, especially if you're in a new tea ching environment, but it's also not impossible to do.You have to have enough rapport with the teacher and the idea of explaining your mistake, the instructor's the wrong answer, and all of the other blunders and mistakes you have made, is not something you'd like to see when the lecture has ended. In fact, you'd probably prefer not to see it at all, if you can help it. But that's what you're supposed to do and when you find yourself beginning to bond with the tutor, that's a good sign that you're getting close to knowing them.How can you strengthen your bond with the tutor? One way is to keep to a scheduled appointment with the tutor every week. Let him or her know you'll be taking notes for him or her every single day. You have to keep in mind that the mentor/teacher relationship is a two-way street.It may not be enough to just schedule an appointment with the tutor every week. However, a student may be able to find some things to help him or her bond with the tutor. For example, if you can bring your own notebooks to the meeting, or your own lunch, this will make the meeting more comfortable for both of you.Another tip is to express gratitude for the tutors' efforts by noting down everything you learn from them. These things will stick with the tutor, and you'll come to realize that you're in a better position than before when the time comes to develop the individual relationship with the tutor. There are many things to consider when you're working to bond with the tutor, but with a little patience and time, you can make it happen.

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