Sunday, March 29, 2020

Tutoring Zone Coupon Code

Tutoring Zone Coupon CodeIf you are looking for a way to earn extra money with your teaching job, then consider using a tutoring zone coupon code. You can use these coupon codes at your discretion and choose the method that you want to use to earn more.Tutoring Zone is an online tutoring company that offers a wide variety of teaching positions. They also offer a tutoring membership that allows you to access the many programs that they have to offer. The membership program gives you access to a wide variety of tutoring options that you may not otherwise be able to get in your area. You can do your tutoring on your own or you can refer your students to other tutors.Tutoring at this site is free to the members. However, there are some stipulations. There are certain rules and guidelines that you need to follow. These include filling out an application, scheduling appointments, getting permission to take students from other classes, or requesting a tutor that has to wait until your class is finished before teaching. If you are doing these things then you can take advantage of a tutoring zone coupon code.The tutoring zone coupon code works like this. For every student that you refer, they get you a coupon code. That code is the same as what you would give to the parent of the student. For example, if you want to refer five students to a tutor that you are teaching, you would give them a three-digit code for the four students.The code will always be one digit higher than the code that you give the parent of the student. So if you are getting a code of 5, you can double it and give them a code of 6 or a code of 7. Just remember to keep your numbers even.The tutoring zone coupons are good for tutoring any time, anywhere. You can use the coupon code and get the discount while you are teaching in another location. These coupons can be used at tutoring services in the area you live in or you can use them anywhere else.Tutoring Zone coupon codes can also be used by teacher s who have a group of students. In this case, the tutor will have the same code as that of the parent of the student. For example, if you were teaching a tutor to a group of ten students, you would have a code of five and you would give the same code to the parent of the student. The parents get the same discount as the tutor when they take the student home.Using a tutoring zone coupon code can make teaching more affordable and give you the time to enjoy teaching and getting paid for it. Find the best code that suits your needs and save a little bit of money each week by using them.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teaching equipment that`s now consigned to the history books - Tutor Hunt Blog

Teaching equipment that`s now consigned to the history books Teaching equipment that`s now consigned to the history books Teaching equipment that`s now consigned to the history booksSchoolsTeaching methods have of course altered dramatically over the centuries, but perhaps the last 50 years have marked the most significant changes in the classroom. Here are just a few things that our parents or grandparents might have seen in their schools, that are now just part of history. 1. The blackboard. There was a time when the word `blackboard` was virtually synonymous with `classroom.` These were basically writing surfaces, upon which the teacher could affix text or drawings to help with their lessons. No styluses or even pens were used - instead a piece of calcium carbonate, or `chalk` as it was colloquially known, was scraped over the black surface, which used to be constructed out of slate, but eventually came to be made from a type of black plastic. By the late 1990`s most had been replaced by whiteboards, which could be written on with pens, and more easily cleaned, without making any clouds of dust. 2. The cane The cane has almost become something of a mythical object - a disciplinary weapon, thankfully consigned to the history books. For decades, perhaps even centuries, it was the dread of schoolchildren. If you were caught misbehaving in class, you could expect to be struck across the hands with the fearsome thin wooden stick. Traditionally made from rattan, a tropical climbing plant, these rigid yet flexible objects could deliver quite a sting, especially when the teacher, for extra points perhaps, would aim to keep striking the same spot. By the 1970`s caning had been largely phased out in the UK, though I can recall being disciplined by teachers holding plimsoles as they would cudgels, in my secondary school in the early 1980`s. 3. The slide rule Before schoolchildren had electronic calculators the slide rule was the hottest piece of portable number crunching technology available. Though it may look remarkably simplistic today, the slide rule is an analogue mechanical computer, capable of a formidable range of calculating applications. Though mainly used for multiplication and addition, it could also calculate exponents, roots, and be used for trigonometric computations. 4. The overhead projector These devices were just being introduced when I left school in the mid 1990`s, and I remember being dazzled by this futuristic technology, that could beam out text or an image onto a screen, seemingly bringing a cinema into the classroom. The device was actually very simple, working along the same lines as a 35mm slide projector - light would be passed through a transparent sheet of plastic, then through a mirror and focusing lens, and finally onto a screen positioned a short distance away. The transparent sheet of plastic acted as the slide, and contained whatever information the teacher wanted to project. The advantage of this system over the blackboard was that the teacher could prepare many sheets in advance, and reuse them in future lessons. Once chalk is wiped from a board it is consigned to dust - sheets for an overhead projector however could be used again and again. Overhead projectors are still used in some schools, but they have largely been replaced by portable flatscreen monitors. 5. The school bell The call to registration, the end of recess - these portentous events used to be announced by someone clanging a bell. In my primary school the end of breaks was always marked in this manner, and it was certainly not a sound we would have risked ignoring for a few extra minutes of playtime. Most schools these days have some kind of electric buzzer, which echoes down the corridors with the aid of loudspeakers, letting pupils know when it`s time to change classrooms or begin their breaks. Who can say what the classroom of the future will look like? With children taking so naturally and instinctively to technology it`s certain that electronic learning aids will become ever more ubiquitous in schools. Since learning involves the moulding and shaping of the developing brains of children, perhaps devices will be developed to achieve this in the most efficient way possible, dramatically shortening the time required for a pupil to progress in mathematics, or learn to play a musical instrument. Whatever the future holds, it is the pupils of today that will bring us one step closer to it. 13 months ago0Add a Comment

Newsletter May 2012

Newsletter May 2012 is a nationwide network of tutors. We match students and parents with the best tutors for their specific needs. April and May were the best months in all history of We matched over 500 student-tutor happy pairs. A great number of new professional tutors joined us. There are more than 40,000 active tutors listed on our site, in nearly all US states and cities in over 500 subjects from algebra over chemistry to English. Find me a tutor Featured Tutors Nicole Orlando, FL Teaches: English, Essay, Math, Mass Communication, Public Relations, Proofreading, Theology I love working with kids as well as adults; I believe that everyone can succeed and do well in whatever they need help with. Apurva Tempe, AZ Teaches: Math, GRE, SAT, Statistics, Calculus, Numerical Analysis I am specifically focused to tutor for High school maths which includes algebra, calculus, trigonometry, geometry, etc. and GRE maths, SAT maths on the whole. Crystal Walled Lake, MI Teaches: ACT, English, Writing, Essey, Literature,  Reading, Sociology I am a freelance writer and I can do a variety of writing assignments for anyone, from poetry to obituaries to business proposals. Stuart  Canoga Park, CA Teaches: Math,  Algebra, Vector Calculus,  Statistics, Differential Equations,  SAT, SEO Teaching mathematic subjects should be brought to a level that shows the student how it will be an important part of their future career, regardless of career choice. Anastasia  Wesley Chapel, FL Teaches:  Accounting,  Economics,  Business, Algebra, Calculus,  Trigonometry,  Communication Skills,  Taxes,  Time Management My math education philosophy is based on the belief that all students can learn and excel at math. Sunny  New York, NY Teaches:  Chinese, Mandarin As a Chinese, Id like to do my best to teach Chinese to you and youre welcome to China to travel, build your career or run your business.  My students come from all over the world. Their ages and complexions are different, but they all enjoy my Chinese class. Bruce  Brentwood, NY Teaches: Math, Science,  Computer Engineering, Computer Programming,  Information Systems,  Algorithms,  Web Site Development I focus on understanding of concepts and developing the students ability to solve problems rather than tedious drill and memorization. Read with TutorZ Best Articles from our Blog The  series of articles about remarkable educational US cities continues with: Madison, WI    Madison was named  for James Madison, the 4th President of the U.S. and  was selected as a capital of Wisconsin Territory when it was still only a city on paper. Today it is a thriving metropolis and  the Most Educated City in America.  The University of Wisconsinâ€"Madison was the first university established in Wisconsin and now it is one of the largest public universities in the US. Plano, TX  Plano  is a prosperous northern suburb of Dallas and a thriving financial, commercial and educational center.  Several times Plano was designated as the wealthiest city and as one of the best places to live in the United States, the city also won The All-America City Award.  In addition to being one of the most affluent city in the US Plano is also one of the best places in terms of educational opportunities. It is the second America’s Most Educated City in recent Men’s Health rating. Burlington, VT  Burlington is  Vermont’s  business, financial, educational, medical and cultural center.  Over 40% of Burlington’s residents have Bachelor’s or higher degree. The education system in Burlington is aimed at providing lifelong learning opportunities for all residents.  Burlington is home to several institutions of higher education, including the University of Vermont, Champlain College, Burlington College, Burlington Technical Center, Woodbury Institute at Champlain College. Honolulu, HI  Honolulu is the capital and the heart of Hawaii, the most recent and the most beautiful of the US states.  Hawaii is an extremely remarkable place in terms of education. Its public school system is the oldest one west of the Mississippi. It was established by Hawaii’s great monarch, King Kamehameha III in 1840 and since then the history of a common education system for Hawaii’s children started. You may also enjoy our articles on some general tutoring topics: How to Help Your Child to Pass a Test: While children are  struggling to find their way on the thorny path of education,  it is parent’s task to help them to succeed in this hard work. Of course many things could change since today’s mothers and  fathers  studied at school or in the university but the main concepts are still the same.  There are some kinds of support each parents are able to provide How to Awake Child’s Interest in Study:    It is vitally important for parents from the very beginning to make study as exciting and interesting as possible and to waken and support child’s interest in gaining new knowledge and education.  It is not that difficult, here are some tips that can help to urge the cognition of a young student. How to Find a Good Private Tutor for a Child:  A private tutor can provide for substantial learning support and improve the study results of your child or can just waste your time and money.  Our tips can help to choose a private tutor who can find an individual approach to your kid. How to Use the Internet for Study:  The Internet offer endless opportunities for acceleration of a child’s learning and development. It allows to find study materials very quickly, to be well up on recent scientific and educational events and researches. School and college tutors must teach juniors to use the Internet in a right way not just for games and entertainment. How to Solve Some Study Problems during summer:  Summer holidays is a perfect time to catch up with some study material missed during last year, consolidate achieved knowledge and get ready for new school year.  However, learning over the summer is associated with many difficulties. Sincerely, The Team Email: Phone: (805) 288-7338

Thursday, March 5, 2020

AJ TUTORING Los Altos Fremont Ave Offers Private Tutoring

AJ TUTORING Los Altos Fremont Ave Offers Private TutoringHaving your child in a private tutoring environment like the one offered by AJ TUTORING Los Altos Fremont Ave is a great opportunity for children to make their own decisions. This provides flexibility for parents to work in the childcare profession or as an employee and still have time to raise their children. Tutoring can be an enriching and educational experience that your child will remember long after the class is finished. You can create that special school night for your child by arranging for a child care facility to provide tutoring services.Most child care facilities provide instruction for parents, students, and siblings alike. They are also great places to watch out for general child health. Your child may be going to a child care facility for a condition like ADD, ADHD, or other learning problems. Learning specialists help children with physical or emotional issues. The staff at a child care facility will look out f or your child's best interests.If you are considering sending your child to a child care center, you need to consider whether your child needs extensive instruction. This can be a good choice for children who are at an early stage of their development and do not yet need specialized training. Also, if your child has a physical or mental disability that prevents him or her from being able to learn how to read, you should carefully weigh the benefits of private tutoring against a child education center that can provide this type of instruction.If your child is ready for intensive training, there are a few considerations to make before you choose a child care center. You should ask about the cost and other costs associated with a child care center. You may want to ask if you have to pay a sliding scale fee. Many of these centers have charges based on income. The average cost of private tutoring is around $25 per hour and can vary considerably depending on the age and condition of your child.There are other considerations to take into account when choosing a private tutoring environment. Some centers have separate charges for child care and tutoring. You may not be able to split the cost of both. Some locations offer your child personalized and individualized instruction. Others combine both forms of instruction.Check out the kid's table at the child care center. This provides a closer look at the child. The center should have several learning specialists on hand so that your child can get more individual attention. It's important that the person helping your child adjust to the center has experience working with children. It's also a good idea to see if there are signs of behavioral problems among the child care staff.When you choose a private tutor, you are allowing yourself the freedom to pursue your own schedule and live life at your own pace. In addition, you can leave the child care business behind while you work or raise your children.

Bonding With the Tutor

Bonding With the TutorBonding with the tutor: how to stick together in chemistry teaching notes is a question many students often ask. While it's not as tough as other subjects, teachers still have to deal with students who aren't at their best in class, or who don't seem to want to work with the tutor and a certain chemistry set. Teaching notes are supposed to be helpful does not have to mean love. But sometimes it does, even if you aren't consciously aware of it.Sometimes people bond with a teacher so strongly that they want to please them and do their best to impress them. Sometimes people bond with a tutor and simply want to feel good about themselves, even if their performance is not as good as it could be. Bonding with a teacher and a tutor can sometimes go hand in hand, and may even be considered one of the greatest motivations to give well in class.One way to bond with the tutor is to build rapport and trust with him or her. This is not easy, especially if you're in a new tea ching environment, but it's also not impossible to do.You have to have enough rapport with the teacher and the idea of explaining your mistake, the instructor's the wrong answer, and all of the other blunders and mistakes you have made, is not something you'd like to see when the lecture has ended. In fact, you'd probably prefer not to see it at all, if you can help it. But that's what you're supposed to do and when you find yourself beginning to bond with the tutor, that's a good sign that you're getting close to knowing them.How can you strengthen your bond with the tutor? One way is to keep to a scheduled appointment with the tutor every week. Let him or her know you'll be taking notes for him or her every single day. You have to keep in mind that the mentor/teacher relationship is a two-way street.It may not be enough to just schedule an appointment with the tutor every week. However, a student may be able to find some things to help him or her bond with the tutor. For example, if you can bring your own notebooks to the meeting, or your own lunch, this will make the meeting more comfortable for both of you.Another tip is to express gratitude for the tutors' efforts by noting down everything you learn from them. These things will stick with the tutor, and you'll come to realize that you're in a better position than before when the time comes to develop the individual relationship with the tutor. There are many things to consider when you're working to bond with the tutor, but with a little patience and time, you can make it happen.

What is a Chemistry Tutor?

What is a Chemistry Tutor?Chemistry tutors are a type of online tutors who help students learn about chemistry and teaching it. The chemistry tutor should be a certified and licensed student tutor with a degree in chemistry or another related field. A tutor does not necessarily have to be a teacher, though many are, but a chemistry tutor has to have an understanding of chemistry.It is very important that the chemistry tutor is licensed and certified by the state in which he is working. He should have completed a course in science education or a similar subject. There are different options in hiring a tutor, one is hiring an individual who takes courses while the other is through a campus institution. Choosing a student tutor from an online chemistry tutoring service is a better choice.Students should take a science class at least once a week and practice what they learn. After taking a course, try and apply it to the situations in your life. A chemistry tutor will be able to advise y ou on what is wrong with any lesson or problem in class and how to correct it.Many online chemistry tutors provide answers to commonly asked questions and help you get the most out of your chemistry classes. It will help you understand and solve a problem in your science class. These online tutors are not teachers, but they can help you learn. They can help you learn what is expected of you in a class, which may have been left out of the chemistry textbooks.One advantage of a tutor is that you are not under the supervision of a teacher, thus you can choose your own pace. If you feel like you are not learning at a fast enough pace, then you can always find something more to do and that can give you more time to learn. Your teacher is usually very busy and is having difficulties in grading the students. The online tutor can help you solve problems that you have, even if they are not directly related to chemistry. Online tutors provide the best chemistry tutor for the students that nee d help in their science classes.If you want someone to help you understand chemistry better, then you might want to look into the option of a psychology professor that teaches chemistry. There are many psychology professors who have expertise in this field, as they did their graduate work on chemistry. If you are interested in looking into this type of professor, then ask for an introduction and see if he is really qualified for you.In conclusion, we know that chemistry tutors help a lot of students to learn about chemistry, but do these online tutors actually help students learn? Students should be sure to find the right chemistry tutor for them before they commit to pay to their fees. It is better to get some answers to their questions first and then decide on a course.

Where Can You Find An Arithmetic Tutor

Where Can You Find An Arithmetic Tutor How to Find the Best Maths Tutor in the UK ChaptersHow is Arithmetic Defined?Private Arithmetic TutorLearn Arithmetic Online with Online ResourcesFree Arithmetic HelpFor many people living in the United Kingdom, whether they’re at the elementary or college level, school math can be a source of frustration and anxiety. Over the past decades, the UK has struggled to enforce a national curriculum that prepares its youth for both academic success and the tough job market. In fact, according to data gathered from nation-wide exams, one out of three English 11 year-olds failed to score satisfactorily in core subjects such as writing, reading and maths.According to other studies examining math skills in the country, some critics have pointed out that the inequalities in the population’s socio-economic status serve to further intensify the struggles children of all ages are having with basic math. Others see the use of standardized tests as outdated and detrimental to student success. Regardless of where you stand on the debate, math and science are subjects people will continue to have to engage in at all stages of life.If you're interested in finding a maths tutor for improving you or your child's arithmetic skills, this guide will walk you through everything from the kinds of arithmetic tutors on the market to what prices you can expect to find for each tutoring option.Real numbers, linear algebra and A-Levels can be frustrating - finding a maths tutor can help! MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow is Arithmetic Defined?Whether you’re studying calculus, trigonometry, pre-algebra or elementary grade math â€" different levels of arithmetic are involved in varying degrees of complexity in the classroom at all ages. Outside of the classroom, however, arithmetic also has practical applications that have become essential parts of our daily lives.While we now have apps and software to make computation more approachable, it can be helpful to delve into some of the basics on what arithmetic is and how it has evolved over the centuries. If you’re struggling with arithmetic in math classes or in test prep courses, start by learning some of the history behind the theory.Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics that has been around for millennia and whose basic definition includes four main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. While these elementary operations may seem to only be reserved for lower level math courses, they actually form the basis of the majority of maths disciplines. If you or your child are struggling in math lessons or need to find a supplemental math program, here are some of the most common forms of arithmetic you’ll encounter at all levels.Primary School MathThe arithmetic at this level will include concepts and math problems such as long division, addition and subtraction. Learning arithmetic at this age can be difficult but forms an important foundation for more advanced math concepts.Middle School MathWhile the definition of which grades are included in middle school, this type of math generally refers to that which is taught at the 7th grade or 8th grade level. The subjects that you can encounter include pre-calculus, pre-algebra and more. The concepts are generally algebraic and can include ideas such as polynomial and linear equations, complex numbers, square roots, equations and inequalities.High School MathArithmetic at the high school level can be i nvolved in everything from trigonometric concepts, exponents, algebraic expressions, matrices, rational expressions, systems of equations and more.College MathAt Uni, you will most likely be confronted with the arithmetic used in math logarithms, algorithms, conic sections, quadratic equations and more. Mathematics courses at this level are typically college algebra, statistics, linear algebra and differential equations.Looking for help with elementary algebra or geometry - your local library may offer tutoring solutions!Private Arithmetic TutorRegardless of the level of maths or the math concepts you or your child is struggling with, getting a private tutor can help out with some of the major issues involving arithmetic math homework or research - including a detailed explanation on everything about arithmetic.If you’re living in the London area, Keystone tutors offer help in school entrance exams, placement test and general test preparation. This can be a great solution if you†™re looking to brush up any arithmetic skills you’ll be needing for upcoming standardized exams. The price for this service varies between 25 to 40 pounds an hour.UK tutors is also a great resource to check out no matter where you’re living in the UK. Giving you the ability to search for a local tutor based on the subject and level, the price per hour will vary depending on what level of maths you’re looking to be tutored in. Generally, prices can range from 20 to 70 pounds per hour.If you’re interested in finding a maths centre, Mathnasium has several locations throughout the country. Located mostly in Southeast England in cities like Oxford and Maidstone, they also have a location in greater Manchester.In Scotland, the University of Strathclyde offers private support for students at their Maths Skills Support Centre. Gumtree also offers classified ads for people looking for a range of maths tutors.With almost 122,800 tutors teaching math in person and online, Superprof off ers a host of tutors at all skill levels throughout the UK. At an average cost of 12 pounds per hour, you’ll be able to find supplemental instruction in math in no time.Learn Arithmetic Online with Online ResourcesStarting with those looking for an online tutor for math, Maths Doctor offers individual lessons that don’t require any long-term subscription. From packs ranging from four to eight lessons a month, going from 37 to 24 pounds an hour, they also offer one-off lessons for at 40 pounds an hour.Interested in more virtual classrooms? Tutors Valley offers online maths tutoring starting at about 15 pounds an hour for primary and secondary school level subjects â€" including arithmetic.If you’re looking to learn arithmetic online without a math tutor, or simply need some help with math word problems and homework, there are a range of math resources you can use to get that extra boost on your assignments and research projects.If you’re interested in arithmetic help related to elementary level math class, check out AAA Math. Covering a diverse range of topics from addition, decimals, and fractions, AAA Math is organized by subject as well as grade level.If you’re looking into Algebra and Geometry arithmetic resources, make sure to head over to Algebasics and Discovering Geometry for helpful maths practice, guides and tutorials. If you’re struggling with trigonometry instead, check out Dave’s Short Trig Course.Containing explanations and diagrams organized with a handy table of contents, Dave’s Short Trig Course provides one of the best insights into trigonometric concepts.Webinars and tutorials online can also be found through university websites as well as popular digital platforms. Whether you’re struggling through a tough concept or simply want to know more, the internet can be one of the most useful tools for your success. For more arithmetic resources you can access online, check out this guide on which arithmetic websites are best for l earning!Do you need supplemental instruction in simplifying algebraic equations? Try the example in the picture!Free Arithmetic HelpWhether you learn best by self-teaching methods or simply don’t have the budget for a tutor, getting free math help should be an empowering experience. Here are some of the ways you can benefit from math learning or homework help at no cost.Learn Math OnlineOne of the greatest ways to learn in the 21st century is through online resources. While we’ve already gone over many of the web’s most helpful websites, here are some that are geared as free tutoring platforms.Math Tutor UK is an online website that gives lessons on the topics, visuals and problems involved in several math subjects. Starting with arithmetic, you can also learn other subjects involving higher level arithmetic operations such as geometry, vectors, integration and algebra.Math Tutor displays each lesson in either video or text format and offers exercises along with each lesson to pic. If you’re interested in more websites like this one, check out Student Guide. Priding itself on assisting students achieve their academic goals, Student Guide has complied a complete list of online resources for maths as well as a range of other subjects such as philosophy and astronomy.Free In-Person TutoringIf you’d like to learn maths or need extra help but prefer the one-on-one tutoring method, there are plenty of free options at your disposal. Start by asking you or your child’s math teacher about their recommendations. While schools often offer a student and teacher led math lab that is aimed at math homework help, teachers can often also offer tips on the best that your local community has to offer.If this isn’t an option for you, head over to your public library. Many public libraries throughout the UK have volunteer programs with local students that involve giving free tutoring lessons either individually or through a group.Basic Arithmetic Practice OnlineOne o f the best ways to learn is by practicing - while many of the resources mentioned include free lessons and practice, make sure to check out this guide for arithmetic questions worked step by step as well as examples you can try at home.